Adding new test cases for increasing test coverage of Loklak Server

It is a good practice to have test cases covering major portion of actual code base. The idea was same to add new test cases in Loklak Server to increase its test coverage. The results were quite…


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How to Get the Most Out of Your OCR Tool

Optical Character Recognition makes it easier to create searchable documents, analyze paper documents and digitize documents for permanent storage. As an extremely broad technology, it can be applied to many areas of a business. Here’s how to get the most out of your OCR tool.

Analyze Your Methods of Scanning Analog Documents. OCR works best when provided clean images that have significant contrast. Experiment with different types of document imports to determine the best way to get reliable, accurate OCR.

Create a Culture of Digitization. By discouraging the use of paper documents and encouraging digitization processes, you can ensure that employees will properly upload and analyze paperwork rather than attempting to keep them analog.

Get the Right OCR Suite. Ideally, your OCR solution will help you create a searchable, central database of your files, which can then be referenced and maintained by all your employees. Advanced OCR solutions provide text analysis, to determine the relevancy of text compared to a sample.

Keep Your OCR solutions Updated. Older OCR solutions may not be able to preserve formatting such as tables and columns. Newer generation solutions can preserve a significant amount of formatting, making the documents easier to read and displaying the as intended.

Consider Investing in an OCR Engine. An OCR tool or service may be able to complete large projects for your organization, after which your organization’s own processes may take over. If your organization is currently implementing or transitioning to OCR, this may be the most reliable way.

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